The UK’s largest wholesalers of local and seasonal organic produce
For information on buying our organic fruit and vegetables wholesale call us on 0207 622 7440
The UK’s largest wholesalers of local and seasonal organic produce
With over 30 years experience in the organic fresh produce industry, at Langridge Organic we are able to meet all your organic needs with a level of expertise and professionalism that is unrivalled. We work with many of the UK’s leading independent retailers in the organic and health food sector as well as with many chefs, food productions business & schools.
We have a network of organic growers throughout the UK that we work closely with to bring our customers the freshest, most comprehensive, range of organic produce possible.
Local organic food direct from UK farms
We have a network of amazing organic growers throughout the UK so we can bring you the freshest, tastiest, organic produce all year round.
For all your business needs
We recognise that every business has it’s own requirements. At Langridge we match the right product and the right specification for your business. We make sure we understand what you need, so whether you are a traditional retail business, a juice bar or a school caterer we have the right product at the right price for you.
Freshness is key
Based in our purpose built, 20000 sq ft facility in Feltham, West London, we receive deliveries into our warehouse every night of the week direct from our farms. We work around the clock to bring you the freshest, best quality, organic produce available anywhere in the UK.
More than 30 years in the business
The business started it’s life amongst the rolling hills of Mid-Devon in 1969 when Uncle Bernard Govier bought Langridge Farm and started growing vegetables the old fashioned way, without the use of chemical aids. After operating out of various sites in and around London we moved into New Covent Garden market in 1995 where we stayed for 23 years. In the latest chapter of our history in late August 2018 we moved to a purpose built, 20 000 sq ft, facility, in Feltham, West London. We have seen the organic industry, that we know today, grow from it’s earliest days.
Fighting Food Waste
Food waste, rightly so, has become something that we have all become more aware of in recent years. Reducing the amount of food that goes to waste is something we should all be concerned about. Throughout the supply chain there are points where food goes to waste and at each point there are things that can be done to reduce this. We break down food waste into two potential areas, On Farm and Off Farm ( or in our Warehouse ) and look at what we can do in each of these area to firstly limit waste and then secondly limit the impact of any waste that is created.
To help reduce waste on farm we work with our growers to ensure that we can sell the broadest range of the produce they grow and to find markets for not only the top class produce but for the processing grades as well. At our warehouse in Feltham we work with a great food charity, The Felix Project, to ensure that any waste food we do have doesn’t go to waste. Here is a taster of what this great charity does.
For information about our growers
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Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil